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Work packages

There are 6 Workpackages whose detailed tasks can be found by clicking on the dropdown menu above.

Coordination workpackage (WP1). In addition to its coordination functions, it chairs the Steering group,, organises meetings, workshops, and the final Scientific Conference. It is also responsible for the construction and maintenance of the IASON website. Its main function is to ensure an unhindered flow of information within the project.

Work package leader and Chairman of Steering Group:
Dr. E. Papathanassiou, email vpapath@ath.hcmr.gr

The remaining work packages aim to distil the current knowledge about the system’s ecological and resource status and trends: the available scientific knowledge about the Mediterranean – Black Sea environment, resources and coastal economies, describing the current recorded trends, and identifying potential hazards and threats to the health and stability of the ecosystem and its socioeconomic consequence.

Integrated Approach

This integrated approach should enable the information to flow from physicists (considering climatic change forecasts) to ecologists and then to marine resource scientists and finally (integrating anthropogenic pressure trends) to economists. This inter-disciplinary flow of information will provide a means to construct potential scenaria of socio-economic responses to natural and anthropogenic variability.

Work package 2 (Ecosystem Functioning ), is concerned with marine ecology.
Work package leader: Prof. F. Boero,email boero@unile.it
Now Complete. D2.1 D2.2

Work package 3 (Current state and trends in the region) is devoted to marine resources.
Work package leader: Dr. K. Mikhailov,email: konstantinmikhailov@yahoo.com
Now complete. D3.1 D3.2

Work package 4 (Pressures on the Coastal Zone ) focuses on the various pressures in the coastal zone.
Work package leader: Prof. N. Panin,email: panin@geoecomar.ro
Now complete. D4.1 D4.2

Work package 5 will analyse management principles in order to identify policies and possible intervention tools on the coastal and marine environment in the Mediterranean and Black Sea system, and depends on the contributions from WPs 2,3 and 4.
Work package leader: Prof. L.Mee,email: lmee@plymouth.ac.uk
Now complete. D5.1 D5.2 D5.3

Work package 6 will produce a Science Planfor the region including the compilation of the requirements of a monitoring and forecasting system.
Work package leader: Dr. F.S.Civilli/Dr. S.C.P.Beken email:scpb@unepmap.gr
Now complete. D6.1 D6.2 D6.4